
New Stellar Kart Record Release

So...here's the inside scoop. we are redesigning our website and getting all new stuff ready for you guys in order to properly release this new record of ours early next year. it will probably release to stores in Jan/Feb sometime, BUT...we will start selling it on the road at shows and at our online store http://shop.stellarkart.com as early as September 10th. so what that means is...in order to get the new SK record before it comes out in stores you either have to come to a show (preferred method) or order it through our online store (also not a bad option.)

I hope you're as excited as i am about this new project. it is a very unique album that can only be described as...well, i'll let you describe it when you hear it. hopefully you'll use words like "awesome" "rad" "great" "amazing" "groundbreaking" "not the worst CD i've heard" etc.. :)


ps. for the most up-to-date updates, follow me on twitter @ http://twitter.com/adamagee